
Subject Intent

The history curriculum at Whitehill Community Academy is delivered through timetabled lessons, trips and visits. When designing the history curriculum, the full national curriculum for history was taken into consideration, ensuring that pupils are exposed to all of the aims and more.

The history curriculum at Whitehill Community Academy will enable all pupils to be ready to develop a detailed knowledge of time, people, place and key events. Pupils will explore how people lived in the past, show respect for their values and attitudes, and begin to show understanding of how developments were connected. From the Early Year Foundation Stage until the end of their education journey, children will develop their disciplinary knowledge of how historians investigate, make sense of the past and construct historical accounts through meaningful examples and repeated encounters.

The history curriculum shows diversity across the subject, developing pupil’s historical knowledge of the world as well as British history and British values. Through learning about history, our pupils will build up respect and empathy, in order for them to become responsible members of the local, national and international community.

Our history curriculum is designed to encourage creativity, imagination, debate, discussion, independence and resilience in order to prepare pupils for their next steps and life beyond Whitehill Community Academy. This includes fostering a love of learning about the past, that will prepare them for KS3 and later life, whilst developing a curiosity of the world around them and its beginnings.

The history curriculum at Whitehill Community Academy will foster and develop pupils’ cultural capital. It will encourage a curiosity and fascination about their surroundings and its people that will remain with our pupils for the rest of their lives. Our curriculum will be enriched through external visits, workshops and handling artefacts. Our pupils will be able to clearly articulate well-formed links between themselves and how the past has and will continue to influence modern society.

Golden Threads

To enable our subject leaders to provide a robust approach to the history curriculum, knowledge and skills are structured so that each term and year build upon one another. This is done by mapping out the ‘Golden Threads’ of our history curriculum. Through mapping out the ‘Golden Threads’ we can ensure that pupils are given lots of opportunities to perfect their skills, knowledge and understanding.

The Golden Threads of ‘history’ are:

  • Invasion and Empire
  • Settlement
  • Social History
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Communication and Invention

Long-term plan

Ofsted Good Provider
Trinity Scholars

Trinity Scholar students benefit from an additional investment of up to £6000

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