
When children achieve full fluency (usually in Year 2), they move onto our main reading scheme. We have libraries filled with a range of books, starting at level 2.1 (meant for Year 2 children), all the way up to 7+ (meant for Year 7 children and older). We level these books using the Accelerated Reader Book Finder to ensure that they are appropriately challenging and build pupils’ skills as they become more skilled readers. Children are guided to the correct level of text based on teachers’ termly assessments. Within each level, we ensure that there are a range of books from different genres and suited to a range of interests, and children are encouraged to choose for themselves.

Teachers listen to children read on a regular basis. There are also planned sessions within class that give pupils the opportunity to read aloud and practise fluency and expression.

Discussion and understanding of texts is promoted throughout school. In Nursery, adults read aloud to pupils frequently and high-quality texts are available throughout the unit. Children explore popular story characters and plots through the resources available within the provision.

Children in EYFS and Year 1 develop their understanding of a text through reading comprehension lessons. Pupils have stories read aloud to them daily and have group discussions to develop their ability to recall information and use it to answer questions. We follow the VIPERS system, which focuses on skills linked to Vocabulary, Inference, Predictions, Explanation, Retrieval and Summary/Sequence. During phonics sessions in EYFS and Key Stage 1, children read books that they are able to decode and discussions around what they have read is built into the lesson.

In Year 2 and Key Stage 2, children access more formal text comprehension lessons, again using the VIPERS system. Each week, children look at a different short text and use a combination of group discussion and written work to answer questions. In Key Stage 2, this is used alongside discussions and targeted questioning linked to ongoing class reads which are often related to Theme lessons or interests of the pupils.

Reading is also used as a cross-curricular tool for children to research topics and follow written instructions.

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